
Monday, December 6, 2010

motor Honda Scoopy Gress

Rp. 12,80 jt
Location : Jawa Timur.
Date : 4 December 2010

Jual : honda scoopy gress
Tanggal: 04/12/2010 11:58:01
Condition: Masih seperti baru
Harga: Rp. 12.800.000 Bisa Nego
Lokasi: ,

dijual honda scoopy barang seperti baru km msh 1000 dijual krn bu buat modal usaha,
dijamin gk bakal kecewa krn barang tidak ada gores sedikit pun! beli baru indennya lama, penawar sadis tidak diterima (serius only)nego halus
tlp:arifin 085733000571-081331383851.

English Translation »

Honda Scoopy Gress

Price : Rp. 12.80 mil.
Item :
Seller :Contact : Jawa Timur..

Sale: honda scoopy gress
Date: 12/04/2010 11:58:01
Condition: Still like new
Price: USD. 12,800,000 Can Nego

honda scoopy sold as new goods sold krn km msh 1000 bu for venture capital, secured gk
will be disappointed krn goods no scratch at all! new buy indennya long, sadistic bidder was not accepted (serious only) nego smooth
Phone: arifin 085733000571-081331383851.

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Before deciding to buy certain advertised Honda motorcycle

  1. After finding one  particular Honda ads you are interested in, don't stop looking. Look other ads that match criteria once more. It is always a better thing to have choices.
  2. Check model, price, location, description and related information of Honda motorcycle that found interesting, before contacting the seller. Don't be fooled by spiced ad words, just see the detail of the Honda ads.
  3. When you decided to contact the seller, please check that he/she is a trusted seller. Many web sites allow users to post comments about certain thing or someone. Those posted comments are may really give you information to avoid you being scammed. So it is a good thing to google the seller and try to get as much information you can get about him / her.
  4. Make appointment to meet the seller in public place. Check item's condition throughly, validate item's paper to local authority. Some persons or groups might trying to sell stolen motors to you. If you don't really careful about this, you will might end up in trouble with the law in your region. So be very careful. Validate / authenticate motor's papers before buying one.
  5. To avoid scam or some kind of fraud. Do not transfer any money if the Honda motorcycle has not been checked or not hand to you. Only transfer if the item is already in your hand.